Luthier's Clamp



To register, please head over to Plane Wellness. This is a charity class to benefit Plane wellness:

Course Description

A Luthier’s Clamp is a simple clamping mechanism that is relatively easy to make. It is also a great project for building skills. It requires a higher level of precision but has some flexibility if you make a mistake. In the class, we will learn about the order of operations, mortice and tenon joinery, wedged joinery, different levels of fitment from friction fit to lose joinery, and a lot more.

Tools Needed*

-Bench plane (No. 4 or 5)
-Tenon saw (Japanese saw will work too)
-1” auger bit
-¼” auger bit (of CenterPoint bit)
-Brace or drill
-Chisel set
-Marking gauge
-Marking knife (or pencil)
-Smaller square

Optional tools:
-Block plane
-1/16” drill bit
-Set of files and rasps


Lumber/Materials Needed: 
1 – 7” X 2 ¼” X 1” Harder Hardwood (Oak, Ash, maple, etc.)
1 – 1 ¼” X ¼” X 16” Harder Hardwood (Oak, Ash, maple, etc.)
1 – ¼” X ¼” X 6” Softer Hardwood (Walnut, cherry, poplar, etc.)
Glue (I will be using 5-minute epoxy, but most anything will work)
Sheet of ¼” X ¼” cork
1 – ½” long wood screw.


*If you qualify for free courses and you do not have the tools or lumber to participate in this course, please let us know in the Additional Comments of the registration form. We may be able to get these supplies for you. To see if you qualify, click HERE.

Course Cost*

 Virtual = $175 

In Person = $200 (Lumber and tools will be provided) – Location is in Rockford, IL. The address will be sent closer to the start of the course. 

*If you qualify for a free course you will not be charged for anything. Application steps are in the registration form or click HERE to see if you qualify.

Course Dates

2 day course: July 19th from 6:00 p.m. CST (7:00 p.m. EST) to 9:00 p.m. CST (10:00 p.m. EST) 
And July 20th from 9:00 a.m. CST (10:00 a.m. EST) to 12:00 p.m. CST (11:00 a.m. EST)

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